2nd Congress on Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Research

Donderdag 3 okt 2024
09:00 - 17:00
Hulstkamp Gebouw


van 250

Climate, pandemics and disasters:
PDPC research highlights

We are pleased to invite you to the 2nd Congress on Pandemic and Disaster Preparedness Research, which will be held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on October 3rd, 2024.

The theme of this year's meeting is "Climate, pandemic and disasters: PDPC research highlights " and we have an exciting program planned with interesting keynote speakers.

This year's congress will feature discussions on innovative approaches to addressing disasters and pandemics. We are inviting renowned experts in the field and from the PDPC to share their experiences and insights, and we hope that the congress will provide an opportunity for networking and exchanging ideas.

The event will be conducted entirely in English, and we welcome attendees who share our focus on disaster and pandemic preparedness. We believe that the congress will be a valuable learning opportunity for all participants, and we hope that you will join us at the Hulstkamp Gebouw in Rotterdam.

Abstract Submission
You are also warmly invited to share your work at the conference’s poster presentation session by submitting an abstract for consideration.  Please submit your abstract by September 8th, 2024 via this link.

Hulstkamp Gebouw
Maaskade 119
3071 NK Rotterdam
The Netherlands

For more information check the website:

Abstract submission and registration:  i.marks@erasmusmc.nl
Questions of content: pdpc@erasmusmc.nl

We look forward to your participation. Register below. Registration is open until Thursday September 26, 2024.

On behalf of the PDPC Academic Board,

Marion Koopmans, Thom Bogaard, Anja Schreijer and Pearl Dykstra
